Supporting Gifted Students
What are we up to?

2nd Grade-
3rd Grade- In 3rd grade we are reading the novel "The Green Book". this is a Science Fiction novel. We are working through the literature common core standards through various activities and leveled questions. In math we are representing multiplication and division in multiple ways using arrays through problem based learning.
4th Grade-In 4th grade we are reading the novel "The Wednesday Wars". We are diving into the concept of change within the novel, by focusing on the growth of the main character through his challenges. In math we are working with multiples and factors through problem based learning.
5th Grade-In 5th grade we are reading the novel "A Wrinkle in Time". We are focusing on the literature standards through the novel's various themes. In math we are working on volume and determining possible dimensions of an object using its' volume. We will soon be moving into fractions using a problem based learning activity.