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gifted partners

Blond Student

Male Teacher Playing Guitar
Supporting Gifted Students
48 Essential Links for Parents
Resources from Great
Duke University's TIP program
NC's Gifted and Talented Resources
The Davidson Institute
Myths about Giftedness
Creating a positive classroom environment
10 Social & Emotional Needs of the Gifted
10 Resources to foster creativity
SENG Resources for Parents of Gifted Children
6 easy ways to meet needs of gifted kids in the classroom (Aprox 7 minutes)
Gifted, creative, and highly sensitive children (TED talk. Aprox 15 minutes)
I am gifted (Video for kids. Aprox. 5 minutes)
Kids talk about being gifted (Aprox. 2 minutes)
Social Emotional Needs of the Gifted Child: Webinar for Parents (Aprox 1 hour)
Parenting a Gifted Child: Dilemmas and Solutions. Webinar (Aprox 1 hour)
Why Gifted May not mean what you think: TED Talk (Aprox. 7 minutes)
SENG Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children. (Aprox. 15 minutes)
The G Word: A documentary short (Aprox 15 Minutes)
How to raise a gifted child in a normal home. 60 minutes (Aprox 6 minutes)
5 Great Podcasts for Gifted Kids
Bright, not Broken. A podcast for parents of gifted kids with disabilities
Gifted Education - John Merrow Podcast featuring an interview with Penny Choice
What do gifted kids need to thrive? - Camilla Benbow and David Lubinski - Vanderbilt Peabody College Podcasts
Gifted Child Quarterly: Demythologizing Gifted Education - Carolyn M. Callahan and Donald Treffinger - SAGE Podcast
The Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Kids: Understanding and Guiding Their Development -Tracy Cross - Vanderbilt University, Programs for Talented Youth, Podcasts
Getting the Best Education for Your Twice Exceptional (Gifted and Special Needs) Child - Kari Miller and Barbara Klein
Schooled Podcast: Is Giftedness Real

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